Activities of The Global Women’s Organisation OF Transcendental Meditation®

Development of Consciousness

Our programs for the DEVELOPMENT OF CONSCIOUSNESS form the foundation for the other four Fields of Interest. We offer programs to reduce stress, unfold the full potential of the individual, and create peace and harmony in the world.

FoR Personal Growth and inner Fulfillment

After the basic course to learn Transcendental Meditation, there is the option to participate in further courses and programs:

  • Individual and group practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM)
  • Advanced Lectures, Special-themed Knowledge Courses and TM Refresher Courses
  • TM Retreats for Meditators
  • Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation
  • World Peace Assemblies and Coherence Days for those practicing the TM-Sidhi program
  • Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course (TTC)
research – evidence

The benefits of Transcendental Meditation start right away, and keep growing. Hundreds of independent research studies have found significant improvements in calmness, creativity, energy, clarity of mind, and happiness.


The Basis of Life—a Field of Pure Intelligence

Consciousness is a single, unified, unmanifest field of intelligence that exists at the basis of everything in the universe.

To understand consciousness we can compare it to the sap in a flower. When you look at a flower you can’t see the sap, but the sap is within every particle of the flower. Consciousness cannot be seen with the eyes. The sap holds the intelligence, information, and order that gives rise to every part of the flower. Like the sap, consciousness holds the intelligence, information, and order that give rise to our vast, complex, and infinitely varied world.

Consciousness Within Us

As consciousness exists at the basis of everything in the universe, so it also exists as an ocean of silence, bliss, and peace within each of us, at the basis of our own awareness. This deepest, most universal level of consciousness within us is called pure consciousness.

Everyone has the natural ability to turn within and experience the field of pure consciousness. A simple, natural technique, Transcendental Meditation, allows the normally active human mind to settle down to its source—pure consciousness—an infinite reservoir of energy, intelligence, happiness, and creativity.

With regular practice of Transcendental Meditation, we infuse these qualities of pure consciousness into our minds and hearts, and enjoy increased calmness and alertness, clearer intuition, and greater love and compassion in our day-to-day life. Through this simple program, we can effortlessly unfold our own essential nature and develop the natural ability to nourish, uplift, and enrich the lives of everyone around us.

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development of consciousness, healthcare, education, culture, art,
music, agriculture, architecture, and more.

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