What is Total Knowledge?

Knowledge is structured in consciousness. Consciousness is the basis of all feelings, emotions, intellectual activity and behavior. With more knowledge, activity in any field of life becomes more successful. Fulfilment, both inner and outer, is based on success. Total Knowledge is structured in pure consciousness. Pure consciousness has no boundaries; it is the basis of creative intelligence.

Creative intelligence is that intelligence which is capable of creating the entire creation, and this creative ability is capable of surmounting all kinds of stagnancy and anything that might hamper progress. Because a genius is a person with very clear and alert consciousness, he [or she] sees things so clearly that he [or she] doesn’t even experience obstacles or resistance to creativity; he [or she] just keeps on progressing steadily toward greater achievement. While some less creative individuals can’t see a way, a genius not only sees the way but achieves the goal effortlessly. This is genius. 

Pure consciousness can be directly experienced through the simple, natural, effortless technique of Transcendental Meditation.

The Global Women’s Organisation for Transcendental Meditation® conducts programs in five fields

Development of Consciousness

Total Knowledge Based Education

Total Knowledge Based Health Care

Total Knowledge Based Culture

Total Knowledge Based Music

Development of Consciousness Life in fulfillment is the birthright of every woman and girl. The Transcendental Meditation program and its Advanced Techniques enliven the total brain. This enables one to grow towards living in harmony and happiness—a live life free from mistakes and suffering. Many individuals growing through Transcendental Meditation, promotes coherence in collective consciousness. This provides a basis for permanent national and world peace.

Total Knowledge Based Education develops the consciousness of the student. It is our responsibility to give our greatest resource—the youth of our world—the best education possible. Consciousness-Based Education includes the practice of Transcendental Meditation to expand their container of knowledge. Traditional subjects such as mathematics, science, languages, art, social studies, and more, fill that container. Consciousness-Based Education also includes an intellectual understanding of consciousness in relation to each subject.

Total Knowledge Based Health Care is prevention-oriented healthcare. It includes the practice of Transcendental Meditation to enliven the body’s inner intelligence. This maximizes the ability to resist and recover from disease, slows the aging process, and restores the entire physiology to a state of holistic balance. Comprehensive health education and healthcare is offered to women and girls through special courses, Maharishi AyurVeda clinics, and family health programs.

Total Knowledge Based Culture Transcendental Meditation naturally supports life in accord with Total Natural Law, so that all individuals uphold their own cherished cultural traditions while embracing all that promotes progress and enriches national life. National and local celebrations unite and inspire the community through waves of bliss and fulfillment. Cultural integrity maintains all those traditions that allow local life to be lived in accord with Natural Law. Naturally, it is the responsibility of mothers to impart these traditions to their children.

Total Knowledge Based Music Gandharva Veda expresses the eternal music of Nature which creates peace and balance throughout society. This field encompasses music, dance, theatre and visual arts, design and writing which create a positive and uplifting influence in society. Women by nature assume the role of uniting the family, community, and nation. They enliven the most refined feelings and emotions through the performing arts, moving the collective consciousness in the direction of harmony and unity.


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