Activities of The Global Women’s Organisation OF Transcendental Meditation®

Revitalizing the Cultural Heritage of Every Nation—Total Knowledge Based Culture

Natural Law is the silent, inner intelligence of Nature. The infinitely diversified universe is an expression of Natural Law. Each region of the world has its own unique geographic and climatic conditions. These are local expressions of impulses of Natural Law. The laws of Nature lively in every locality form the ground on which cultural values arise. Cultural traditions serve to sustain life in accord with Natural Law in that region.

Experiencing this silent basis of Nature is common to cultures around the world. It enlivens people’s connection to the source of Natural Law to lay the foundation for a life of health, prosperity and well-being. The Vedic technologies of consciousness enliven total Natural Law in individual awareness and in the collective consciousness so that cultural values are restored and life is enjoyed in peace, progress, and fulfilment. This is the basis for peace in the nation.

Transcendental Meditation is an ideal approach to restoring and revitalizing cultures because it does not involve religion, philosophy, or change in lifestyle—rather, it upholds and uplifts the cultural and religious traditions of all peoples.

Implemented through

  • Group practice of Transcendental Meditation and its Advanced Techniques
  • World Peace Assemblies
  • Participating in global, national, and local celebrations
  • Holding conferences and seasonal celebrations
  • Performing traditional ceremonies to enliven the local laws of Nature 
  • Promoting the use of the Mother Tongue
  • Practicing and performing Vedic Dance and traditional dances
  • Organizing Maharishi Yagyas to enhance individual and national coherence
  • Spreading Global and National Good News
  • Promoting traditional arts (poetry, music, visual arts)
  • Creating homes and communities in accord with Natural Law
  • Supporting sustainable projects and programs for World Peace

The Evidence

Research around the world has validated the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program for all walks of life, all cultures, ethnicities and religions. More than 6 million people have learnt TM. They find their cultural values strengthened as stress and tension between cultures are relieved. People feel happier and more creative. They become more tolerant of other’s beliefs and traditions.

Recent published research on TM for mothers in Uganda

A collaboration between Brenda Nakalembe (United Women’s Platform and Empowerment Development (UWOPED) Director), Leslee Goldstein, PhD (Maharishi University of Management, USA), Judith Nassali (African Women and Girls Organization for Total Knowledge, Uganda Ltd (AWAGO) National Director)

Partners for World Peace

Independent professionals supporting sustainable projects and programs for World Peace.
By now eight thousand Maasai women have learnt Transcendental Meditation.

How to Get Involved and Transform the World's Destiny

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