Activities of The Global Women’s Organisation OF Transcendental Meditation®

Achieving the Highest Educational Goals—Total Knowledge Based Education

An internationally successful educational program, Consciousness-Based Education (CBE) is a proven approach to systematically develop the holistic potential of students —knowers—as they gain knowledge of the known through the standard curriculum. In this process the student also gains knowledge of herself.

Practical Implementation

The foundation for this educational approach is a simple, natural, non-religious technique—Transcendental Meditation—practiced for a few minutes morning and evening to give students the experience of pure consciousness. It offers a practical, thoroughly-tested and reliable means of improving educational outcomes in order to create a peaceful and progressive society. CBE can be integrated into any school system.

Over the past 50 years, the educational technology of CBE has been implemented in 65 countries, where over 500,000 schoolchildren and students practice Transcendental Meditation twice a day as an integral part of their curriculum.

The evidence

Research results were uniquely, universally positive, showing measurable benefits in all areas of life:

  • Academic performance
  • Brain development
  • Health
  • Relationships
  • Moral development
  • Harmony and peace in the institutions

Total Knowledge based Education
Marcia Murphy, PhD

Expressions of appreciation from students

2020 Graduation of the Bachelor Degree students, Rajapark Institute, Chanthaburi, Thailand. Five students received their diplomas and degrees in the Science of Creative Intelligence for Management.

President of Maharishi University of Enlightenment

How to Get Involved and Transform the World's Destiny

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