Tradition of Total Knowledge

In 1968 the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation filmed Maharishi during a week-long course held at Lake Louise, Alberta, in the Canadian Rockies. It features rare footage of Maharishi explaining the nature of life and principles of his Transcendental Meditation®, while walking through alpine meadows and beside glacial lakes.

Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR—The Secret to Knowing Your Self—Transcendental Meditation® for Transformation.

Dr Nader elaborates on the ancient Greek aphorism, “Know thyself”, which is considered the greatest wisdom of all time, and explains how to experience this profound knowledge.

World renowned leader at the core of the Maharishi Foundations, a Harvard graduate neuroscientist, renowned Vedic scholar and world reference on Transcendental Meditation, in the book Dr. Tony Nader formulates a series of fundamental existential questions: What is our purpose in life? Do we have true control over our destinies? Through the study of Consciousness, he gives us the answers with their practical benefits that lead to enlightenment, peace and fulfillment.

The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique

allows the mind to effortlessly traverse its full range, from the most active to the most silent levels. Compare this to the levels of an ocean, which range from turbulent surface waves to the silent depths. The deepest experience of inner silence nourishes all aspects of our daily life—mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and social.

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